Tady pište jenom anglicky!

Hi guys, how did you sleep?

Hello friends, I wish you all good night and sweet dreams and I'll see you in a month (probably?)!

Nou its bet, korekt is spík, jú spík veri bet ingliš, jú mast gou tú Duolingou

Dú eniuan spík ingliš? Aj spík ingliš very gut vetr svetr ent aj spík ček veri najs

You are beautiful person. What? Nonono that’s not realy. I in my dream. Gg good night. My Sweet bear

Hmmm. Im fine but i need sleep. Today i have only 4 hours on school and now im watching Harry Potter. Please answer the questions:
How are you today?
What is you name?
Do you like sushi?
What are you doing?
Ehm ehm, sorry i don’t speak english very good......

I’m fine. Tommorow we’ll have talk with police so we won’t have biology + i have only 6 hours of school. I finally learnt how make name of acids ( i don’t know how to say it). I had rice pudding on lunch, it was delicious. I need to study for Chemistry and Maths. Good night

I don’t like english, I usually get bad grades from this subjekt, but this year I got good grades. (At least for new.)

I am going to English camp today. Then I have a second camp in the teepees for two weeks.
In August, I'll have my third camp where I'll be in the camp band.
I am going to the United Festival in Vsetín at the end of the holidays. You are cordially invited

I’ m good, thanks. I will be going on svout camp and then I’ll be on our weekend house. We will also go to UK so i am very excited. How about you?

Hello! Today will be thunderstorm. I need to clean my room and build house in Bloxburg. I had on lunch niva sauce, chicken breast and pasta. I feel good because it's end of school year. Next school year will be my last because I'll go to high school / secondary school. How are you? What are you going to do on Summer vacation?
předchozí | 123456 | další |
- Vznikla:
- 19. listopadu 2017 ve 12:52
- Založila:
- Ťapka2008
- Obsahuje:
- ~ 300 příspěvků
- Moderátor:
- Ťapka_2008